Cyber Security News & Tips by Glenda R. Snodgrass for The Net Effect
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December 13, 2022

Good morning, everyone!

This week’s critical vulnerabilities:
  • Google Chrome has released a fix for its 9th zero-day vulnerability this year. All platforms.
  • Cisco has announced a critical vulnerability in its IP Phone 7800 and 8800 Series VoIP phones. No patch has been released, but they suggest disabling Cisco Discovery Protocol as an interim mitigation.
  • Android has released fixes for more than 80 vulnerabilities in versions 10-13

Patch All the Things!

Online Shopping Safety

It's that time of year! Shopping all day long -- on that phone or tablet. CISA has released some online safety tips for the holiday season, including Four Things you can do to protect youself online (hint: you've read them all here before!) plus an instructional video, and three tip sheets:

Happy shopping!

For an interesting bit of extra reading, check out 8 strange ways employees can (accidently) expose data.

Remember, you can read past editions of this newsletter on our website, along with tons more information under the Resources tab.

Have a great week!

Glenda R. Snodgrass

Glenda R. Snodgrass
(251) 433-0196 x107
For information security news & tips, follow me!

Security Awareness Training Available Here, There, Everywhere!

Thanks to COVID-19, lots of things went virtual, including my employee Security Awareness Training. Live training made a comeback a few months ago, but many organizations are retreating. No worries. Wherever you and your employees may be, I can deliver an interesting and informative training session in whatever format you prefer.

Contact me to schedule your employee training sessions. They're fun! ☺

TNE. Cybersecurity. Possible.

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